Christian Halls International and Ramsey Solutions

Receive college credit for BUSI-1903 Personal Financial Stewardship from Southeastern University using Ramsey Solutions Foundations in Personal Finance: College Edition

Personal Financial Stewardship BUSI-1903 (SEU)
This course covers personal financial stewardship from a Christian perspective. Biblical truths are used to help build a financial stewardship plan. Topics included cash flow management, use of credit, investing as a steward, insurance, and life planning.
The course is a turnkey academic curriculum that engages students and teaches them practical and relevant financial skills. Foundations in Personal Finance will impact students with life-changing financial tools that will help them win with money now and for the rest of their lives.
Enrollment Requirements
Southeastern University
High School: $100.00 per credit hour
Undergrad: $350.00 per credit hour
Semesterly Tech Fee: $175.00
High School Enrollment Requirements
You must be at least a sophomore in high school.
Age limit of 15-19.
Students must provide a FERPA release form.
Important Dates
Fall 2024 Enrollment and Registration deadline: August 8th, 2024
Student given access to Ramsey materials: August 21st, 2024
Student registration deadline: October 4th, 2024
Student given access to course: October 9th, 2024
First day of class: October 16th, 2024
Add/Drop Deadline: October 22nd, 2024
Course Withdrawal deadline: November 15th, 2024
Last day of classes: December 10th, 2024
Final grades due: December 17th, 2024
Enrollment and Registration Steps
1. Become a Christian Halls member by filling out the following form. In the Fall 2024 Classes section indicate you would like to take Financial Stewardship BUSI-1903. If you are not a member of a local hall, select Ramsey Hall USA.
2. Once your membership application is received and reviewed we will forward your application on to the partner institution and they will process your enrollment as a student and your class registration.
3. You complete the online student application for the academic institution and set up your student account and student email address.
4. Once enrollment is complete, you will register for your classes. Multiple sections are usually available, but the course codes are as follows: Southeastern University, Personal Financial Stewardship BUSI-1903
5. Once you are registered for your classes the next step is to access the class content through the academic institutions’ LMS (Learning Management System).
6. Complete the course by submitting your assignments on the academic institution’s LMS platform on time. Receive your final grade on your college transcript at the end of the semester.
Course Textbook and Required Materials
Foundations in Personal Finance
(Online content provided with class registration)
What are the course numbers?
Southeastern Personal Financial Stewardship BUSI-1903 (multiple sections offered, minimum of 10 students per section for class to “make”)
How is this class structured?
This is an 8-week online course taught during the B-term of the semester.
How are classes taught?
All classes are asynchronous, meaning that students can access course materials and submit their work through the university portals on their own schedule within a certain timeframe.
What can these credits be used towards?
Personal Financial Stewardship credits can be used as core courses for a Business degree program or as elective courses for other degree programs. Do your research beforehand regarding your degree plan.
Other Important Notes:
Credits earned from this course are from a reputable university and can easily transfer to other institutions.
There is a one-time membership fee of $50 to join CHI.
The total cost for this class is $475 (300 tuition + 175 tech fee) for dual-enrollment students.
The total cost for this class is $1225 (1050 tuition + 175 tech fee) for undergrad students.
Enrolling in the course does not include an online live classroom component (scheduled zoom classroom experience).
Note: This information is subject to change. For the most accurate and up-to-date details, please refer to the official course materials and consult with Southeastern University.